Tuesday, 12 October 2010


I seem to be back on track, I've done my practice everyday since my last update :-) The quiet space in my head is back and growing by the day :-) I've got a few stresses lingering around in my world right now but you know what, I can't really call them stresses any more. When you have a break from your practice the world starts to get a little heavy, sticky and, to be completely honest, a little claustrophobic. Once you're back on your mat and then back on your mat and then back on your mat ........................................................... the world is a different place, in a phenomonolical sense of course lol Any way, a little update on my practice!

Yesterday, Monday, I was off work so decided to have a lazy morning with my husband, I didn't practice until after 3pm! (so I really had a lazy morning and early afternoon lol) When I did get around to unrolling my mat it wasn't just practice, it was ASHTANGA YOGA PRACTICE BABY! lol Honestly my breathe was so strong, bandha's weren't tight but felt very strong as well and I seemed to melt into every pose. I happily went with it, I had my usual physical battle with Marichyasana D (read more on that later) but no mental battle, my mind didn't get in the way of my intelligence, I usually get a bout of "och I've had enough" but not today. Navasana was tough! But not too tough, admittedly though I did three (pretty well I might add) and then had a wee breather for the remainder (I forgot to say, I was using Kino's DVD again). My quads were a bit sore by now, I went through the whole, "should I stop? Is this ego?" and then I had a brilliant idea, a complete genius of a moment! Without even thinking about it I RETURNED TO THE BREATHE and carried on to Bhujapidasana, I've forgotten how much I enjoy this asana. I "jumped" over my arms, landed in a squat with my with my feet in front of my hands and then slipped my shoulders under my legs - works every time. I had a little trouble getting my feet through, nothing a little wiggle of my right toe couldn't fix, then exhaled down until my forehead was on the floor - lovely - I tried getting my chin down but alas no luck. This is where things get interesting, again I kept going! Kurmasana! oh how I've missed you! We haven't seen each other in YEARS! lol I got into it the same way as Bhujapidasana, "jumped" into a squat, tucked my arms under my legs a little further so my knees were over my shoulders then planted my behind, another asana I've forgotten how much I used to love, used to? still love! I tried with Supta Kurmasana, I got my left foot behind my head but the right wasn't for moving. So that's what I'm "working on" now, Supta K :-) On to backbends, getting better - legs are straight and my arms are getting there, finishing and then finally Shavasana - I've got to say this is one of the best sessions on the mat I've had in years! Long let it continue! - as if eh

Anyway onto today's practice, I was expecting a "that'll teach yah" practice after my exploits the day before but I had a precious surprise :-) No tight muscles, not even any tightness in my hamstrings, AMAZING! Again I chose to use Kino's DVD (is that a bad thing? should I wean myself off it? Any thoughts or am I just being self critical? lol) and the same thing happened, I was lost in my breathe! I had a little breather after Purvottanasana as my husband got up and through me a little, long story, short version; big bag = a fright for Dom lol I nearly let it get to me but I returned to my mat and more importantly to my breathe. I had the usual Marichyasana D battle, thinking about the Supta K right let experience; right hip needs to open at some point! Again I continued, Navasana was sore, my quads were burning so I kept to my three but the last two were with bent legs, I'll get there. Exactly the same experience with Bhujapidasana, and exactly the same amount of love! *MMMMmmmmmmmmm warm and fuzzy* Kurmasana was another story, I got into it the same way, exhaling on my third breathe I managed to lift my chest a bit more which, unfortunately, was accompanied with a very sharp pain deep in my left hip! So I quickly came out and up out of it, I'm thinking something was still a little tender from the day before I'll be more gentle tomorrow and report back. I had a lovely pop, actually it was more like a crack, in my thoracic spine coming up in Setu Bandhasana which really changed my Urdhva Dhanurasana experience. My chest and shoulders felt more open, wider even, and my breathe was stronger and deeper, fingers crossed this stays with me eh

Enough's enough, I'm getting looks for writing for so long lol See you all soon :-)

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