Hey folks! I chose not to write anything yesterday, I didn't get up to practice due to a rough night & chose not to spread more venom about it on here lol (does anyone have a quick fix for my husband's snoring?)
Anyway, back to today! I got up at 06:30am, it was still dark, I had a coffee while sitting in Baddha Konasana (my hips are so tight in the morning) & hit my mat by 7am. I used Kino's primary dvd for a little motivation, I've got to say I like it more than John Scott's practice dvd, his seemed very alow & Kino's is a little more my pace. I also like Kino's little talks throughout, they're not distracting at all.
I practiced up to Ardha Baddha Padma Pashimottanasana, I could've done more but this is where I had got to in the series before my "break" from morning practice, my "break" from practice all together! Lol Urdhva Dhanurasana scared the pants off me! I've lost a bit of flexibility as well as strength there, it'll come back! Strangely I really enjoyed the rest of the finishing sequence, especially Pindasana & Matsyasana which is strange for me as they were always kind of bleh for me, they've never struck a nerve until this morning. I had a cat related incident in Shirshasana, my mad kitten Katy (the terror kitten) decided to lick the sweat of my face - Pratyahara was tested too far! Lol So I had to stop, remove Katy & try to get back into the groove, which was helped along by extra breathes in Urdhva Dandasana, I was there for what felt like 50 breathes, I *love* that asana, once you get the balance between effort & ease it's so relaxing but, paradoxically, invigorating too (reminds me of Utthita Hasta Padangushtasana in that aspect). After my unfulfilling efforts trying to grab my toes in Yoga Mudra I was happy to move on, what's the secret? Why can't I reach my feet!? *"return to the breathe" - thanx Kino* On to Utpluthi, which I also enjoy, feels like it should exhaust you but, alas, invigorating! One thing I did notice is Kino's a cheat! She uses the soles of her feet against her arms to keep her lotus lifted! I was shocked & had to have another look after Shavasana lol
As I'm working tonight & don't get home until nearly 11am so there'll be no practice until then. I'm planning on using Kino's dvd again but also considering only using it on the days that I'm working, on my days off a I'm more likely to add more asanas on my own terms.
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