Hello again folks :) I hope all is well in your world?
I've not updated in a while, I've been busy, motivated to practice but not motivated enough to blog, I'm sure you all know what that feels like Lol
My morning practice is going well, I'm still having issues with Marichyasana D but as of late I've found myself doing Navasana & Bhujapidasana before going onto finishing. I've been getting up at 06:10am for a while now, approx 2 months & I can certainly feel a difference within myself & see a difference in the mirror (predominant tamas guna? Lol). I feel I've lost a little flexibility but gained a freakish amount of strength! Lol to be completely honest I'm glad, sometimes I felt too flexible with no control. Using Kino's dvd on work days & doing "my own" practice on my days off is a nice balance, the dvd certainly helps motivate me to get started, I've found myself switching it off after suryB as it has "done its job" so to speak.
More importantly I feel major changes in my outlook & well-being, these changes are positive but a little frustrating, which I'll admit to struggling with. I've found myself questioning past decisions & actions which still have an influence in my present, my relationships with friends & family are also under scrutiny. I'm not blaming ashtanga for causing any trouble, I'm thanking ashtanga for giving me the emotional freedom to see these areas of my life clearly. Getting up for your morning practice is getting up & making yourself the number 1 priority & investing time, energy & concentration in your own well-being, your spiritual, mental & physical health. Doing this will clearly influence the relationship with your inner self, which in turn will influence all relationships as you relate to yourself differently. I want (& need) to remove the negative influences in my life, & yes some of these "influences" are people. In the past I would've felt guilty about writing that but today I feel relieved lol tough times, but worthwhile & I know I've always got my practice :)
Well said, Dom! I've experienced similar shifts in my life as a result of yoga practice, and I find it's almost always for the better.
ReplyDeleteHello, I just heard from YogaBloke about your blog and that you are in Mysore, nice to meet you, will add you to my blogroll to stay in touch :-)
ReplyDeleteoops, maybe I misunderstood... maybe you are not in Mysore... sorry, nevertheless happy coincidence to come across your blog, will follow
ReplyDeletelol I wonder why I didn't get an email about your comments? :-(
ReplyDeleteClaudia; unfortunately I'm not in Mysore, believe me you'd know for sure if I was lol Happy to hear/read that both you and your husband are enjoying Mysore, well maybe not so much your husband after reading his "guest blog" HILARIOUS! Always nice to make contact with another ashtangi where ever in the world they happen to be