Wednesday, 23 June 2010


Well hello there! I'm writing this to explain my absence of late - don't mind if I keep this short, I dislike focussing on the negative too much as you'll understand.

Last week everything was going well, I was practicing every other day & enjoying writing about it on here, I was happily relaxing into a lovely little yoga groove. Due to a long going dispute with my not so pleasant next door neighbor we decided to move our bedroom (basically to get some peace to sleep at night! Swines!), while I was moving furniture I felt a tightness in my upper back between my shoulders, something that worried me as I used to be a 'Moving & Handling' trainer, all was fine though, until I practiced that night! When I jumped up into a balance during Utkatasana I heared a 'snap' & a shockingly vicious pain in between my shoulderblades! After 'yelping' at the top of my voice obviously I stopped my practice. It felt better by that evening, a lot looser & without pain, until the next morning that is! When I got up on Saturday morning I couldn't inhale without shooting pains traveling up my spine & around my scalp, I felt disabled & 'out of action' - which was very worrying as I've never injured myself doing Ashtanga, basically I felt like a right knob! Lol Thankfully after doing some light Hatha work on Sunday & Monday I'm back on my mat! But I'm being very very careful, yesterday, also due to time restrictions as well as injury, I did a light ashtanga practice (surys, standing sequence & finishing sequence only) which felt great!

I'm so greatful to be back on my mat, I know of a few people that have had long running injuries & I can't imagine anything worse, this experience has reassured me about respecting my limits & being greatful regarding those limits.

I'm working on another blog regarding a love/hate list of asanas, we've all got poses we love & poses we loath - get ready to hear all about my loves & loaths

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